Our laboratory provides comprehensive soil health analysis to help you understand the critical components of your soil and optimize its performance for agricultural, landscaping, or environmental projects. We provide in-depth testing for a wide range of essential nutrients and soil properties to give you a complete picture of soil health and fertility. Our soil tests include:

  • pH: Assess the soil's acidity or alkalinity, crucial for nutrient availability.

  • Organic Matter: Measure the organic material in the soil, which is vital for water retention and nutrient supply.

  • Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Potassium (NPK): Key macronutrients for plant growth, essential for promoting healthy root development, foliage, and fruit production.

  • Magnesium, Calcium, Sulfur: Secondary nutrients critical for plant structure and metabolic functions.

  • Zinc, Boron, Iron, Copper, Manganese: Micronutrients that are essential for plant health in trace amounts, supporting various growth and reproductive processes.

  • Sodium: Helps evaluate salt levels that could impact plant health.

  • Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC): Understand your soil's ability to retain and supply nutrients to plants.

  • Texture: Analyzing soil texture to determine the proportions of sand, silt, and clay, which affect drainage, aeration, and root penetration.

With our analysis, you’ll receive detailed reports and actionable insights to help you improve soil conditions, optimize plant health, and maximize yields. Whether you’re a farmer, gardener, landscaper, or researcher, our soil health services provide the data you need for successful land management.